
A general purpose bot for economy and basic entertainment/engagement!

Custom profiles

Users can buy and equip decors on their profile, customizing to their liking

Economy features

Gamble coins, trade items.

People can trade items, decors and coins, and more coming in the future!


Get report tickets from users above 110 Reputation, remove reputation for false reports by Dismissing them.
Safety features like giving automatic timeouts to users who recieve X reports by different users
We also have purging until a specific message, and other useful features.

Automatic Reputation roles

Users can give each other reputation, and gain custom roles based on their reputation.

Everyone starts at 100 Rep

Various fun features


Roll dices, award users, create custom items, leaderboards, weekly activity rewards, etc.


Future features:

Stock market

Carrot farming


etc etc.


Invite it to your Server!

Or host it on your own (Soon)